The 11th Odds 'n Ends Sale was another successful event. It raised US$586.00.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who had been and continuously being a part of this event for a great cause.
Your labor will never be in vain.
Please browse at to see the shaping up of the Nokor tep Women's Hospital.
The 10th Odds 'n Ends Sale at Tabitha and Borey were very successful. We were able to raise $1,226.
We would like to express our great gratitude to all the donors, buyers and all that had been a part of this event.
Two successful fundraising events happened this month of December.
The December 7 Nokortep Unique Christmas Exhibit & Sale raised awareness to lots of people and it also raised a net amount of $1,311.
The first item that was sold was the cyclo, the elephant and the cyclo and reumork wood carvings were then taken, the Christmas went to cozy homes for Christmas, the big Christmas tree with silk spindles stayed with Cambodiana, the bombshell jewelries were popular, one kite was taken, spindle and mini claypot christmas ornament were best sellers, etc.. It was fun and the spirit of Christmas was felt! A video of the hospital progress was also shown. Please browse at for the photos. Thank you to r all of you who went, bought and who made a way to inform the people about the event and in any way became a part of it. Thanks to Cambodiana General Manager & Staff.
On Wednesday, December 18, the THIRD ODDS 'N ENDS SALE was held and was very successful also. It raised a total of $ 566. The cambodians were again very happy to have clothes, shoes and other stuffs at affordable cost. Thanks again to all who are continually contributing to this event, to all who are continually supporting by spreading the word to friends and to all who are generously donating and buying items and books.
The Sixth Odds 'n Ends Sale for Nokor Tep Women's Hospital closed at a total of $ 974.50 - Another successful Sale!
The hot weather made everyone sweating while picking and selecting assorted clothes - for adults, children, babies and others - toys, books, housewares, beddings, bags, shoes, etc.
Three ISPP Kids and their teacher joined us as they watch the people buy the clothes they collected.
It was fun!
Thank you so much to ALL who had been a part of this event! Your labor will never be in vain.
Please visit to see the fruit of your labor.
The Second Odds 'n Ends Sale was held on October 25, 2013. It was a very successful event with a total sales of US$6,443. Most of the buyers are cambodians and they are so happy and thankful to avail of good clothes and children items at affordable price. We thank all of them and we also thank the Foreigners who came, donated and bought.
Once again, We would like to thank CPN which gave us a chance to post our ad and also big thanks to Jose Vahl, Sol, Bonnie Lepalaar, Saira Khan, Janell Windus, June, Debby Rob, Debby, Sasha, TAS Cambodia Service Initiative, Rangitoto College, Tabitha Housebuilding Teams and ALL ( anonymous and sorry if I missed any name) who donated to make this happen.