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Nokor Tep Walkathon in Singapore, we did it!
On the 8th of March, Internationals Women's day saw the first official event for Nokor Tep in Singapore, the Nokor Tep Walkathon. We had 160 walkers plus 80 students from the Canadian International School, who joined us for part of the way. Luckily it was an overcast morning and turned out to probably be one of the best 10km walking days in Singapore!
Through entry fees and donations for bricks we raised over $15,000, which, through the generous double matching a private Foundation is giving Nokor Tep, means that we raised $45,000, a really great result.
The Canadian students who joined us held a coin collection over the last two weeks and, although all the coins aren't counted yet, (I wouldn't want that job!) they believe they raised $500, again with double matching this means an additional $1,500 for Nokor Tep - what a great job students, that is the equivalent of 3 square metres of the hospital, not bad for a walk in the park!100% of the money raised will be transferred to the Nokor Tep account in Cambodia and it is expected that the building will start later this year. I think Janne summed it up via her message to me last night - "My heartfelt thanks to each of you for all your efforts - what an amazing job you have all done - alone - none of us are very strong - together we can accomplish everything - thank you".
My thanks also to all the volunteers who helped and Rosie Deane, in particular, from UWC PACE who was the mastermind behind it all.
We will be posting photographs onto the Tabitha website - www.tabithasingapore.com - but here are a couple to remind those who walked and to tempt those who didn't to sign up for our next event!
Thanks again, it was a great day,