My name is Yen Theoun and I am 49 years old. My husband is Lak Ban, 47 years old. We had 12 children. As a poor farmer we have had lots of problems.
Of our 12 children, we had twin babies who died because we did not have money to go to the hospital.
Our second oldest son then died of cholera – no traditional medicine could help him. Our 3rd child to die was just 3 years old and our 4th and 5th childs died of pneumonia. As time passes I don’t know if it is because I have a virus or disease that causes my children to die.
One day I became very ill – I have lumps all over my body- I feel no pain from the lumps in my breast or neck but the rest in my arms hurt a lot and I always have fever. I am very scared because we sold everything to help my children – we have nothing now. Perhaps it is punishment for my children dying.