On Thursday the 27th September Nokor Tep Singapore held their first Moonwalk. Over 150 people (plus one dog!) walked just over 10km from one end of East Coast and finished at Chits Bar and Restaurant, close to Changi.
The starting point before the moon appeared
Australian Women’s Connection (AWC) - Jasmine Fashion night
The Australian Women’s Connection, in conjunction with Jasmine Boutique, held a fund raising event on Thursday 23rd of August and the money went to help Bruce Ford raise funds for the Nokor Tep Hospital.
The night was a great success with plenty of fashion, wine, nibbles and raffle prizes to keep everyone happy. Through ticket sales the AWC raised $580 for the hospital.
The Australian Women’s Connection wishes Bruce all the best for his bike ride. We hope he gets lots of support!!
At about 9 o'çlock in the morning of Friday, August 17, 2012, the Blessing Ceremony for the NOKORTEP land is started with the backhoe equipment doing its first haul of the soil sounding the trumpet for the start of the construction of a HUGE NOKORTEP WOMEN'S HOSPITAL BUILDING.
Please browse at http://www.nokor-tep.net/index.php/news/latest-news for more details.