Walk Sponsor's Wall

We salute and highly honor all the walkers and sponsors of the 2014 Walkathon event.

To everyone who donated and supported this event, and especially on behalf of the women of Cambodia, THANK YOU!


& over $5,000

& over $5,000

& over $5,000

& over $2,000

& over $2,000

& over $2,000

& over $1,000

& over $1,000

& over $500

& over $500

& over $500

& over $500
&over $300

&over $300

&over $300

and below

and below

and below


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Contact us

No. 109 Path Road, Prey Sor East Village, Prey Sor Commune, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

  • Tel: 023 231 590/ 023 231 596/ 081 231 590/ 088 279 5050

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