April 22, 2015
Dear friends and partners,
Khmer New Years is over – a week of celebrating life with family and friends. For Miriam and me, it was an opportunity to celebrate with our new family in Australia – the Nokor Tep Foundation Australia. Our first stop was in Melbourne – and our first event was to celebrate Khmer New Years in style with the Victorian Cambodia Community. We were a bit taken aback as the celebrations were the same there as here, live show, Cambodian food, games and rides – how good that was. The next day we met with the elders of the community and then with the Cambodian MP at Parliament Hill. What a treat that was to see the inner sanctum – I marveled at the construction and hoped that the hospital will be as strong.
We had a gathering of friends and new friends who celebrated with us – people who are long time supporters and who were delighted to be a part of NTA. We had the good fortune to meet with a number of medical people at the Austen Hospital and to greet the Chinese Medical Association.
We travelled to Perth – there we had a second gathering of supporters, friends and new friends. We met with Perth Rotary – an opportunity for myself to say thank you for their support. New Years is always a time of new beginnings and it was an amazing gift to celebrate the new foundation. I invite all of you Australians to go on the web site at www.nokortepaustralia.org.au – sign up for our newsletters – join our family and invite other likeminded people to do the same.
Today is another beginning – it is my birthday. To celebrate this new beginning I went to see the hospital site – what an amazing progress – another 20% of the first floor was poured and workers were busy preparing for the next section. I am awed by the progress – I am humbled by the vision – how good that is!
On my return to the office the 80 girls working here greeted me with a birthday song – huge hugs and some tears – they wished me much health and long life – a wish that is not true for so many of them as they suffer from diseases that are not so readily cured – that hurt their bodies and pull down on their spirits – I am humbled by their love – spurred on by their need – thankful for that honor.
I wish each of you a new beginning each day – I thank all of you for standing with us – for being a part of our family – for believing in each of us. I thank my God for His Grace in my life – and that He enables each day to be one of celebration and hope.
Like our Face book at: Nokor Tep Women’s Hospital